Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Parallels between Socialism and Spirituality

The interpretation of Marley and Haile Selassie through images in this video is compelling.

The title is misleading, ideology between the two is far and few between. Until you examine the fine line. Let’s dwell on that for a moment. Is it not the greater good that serves us all? So to sacrifice one small loss to benefit the many is an acceptable outcome. Unless you succumb to thinking… that which capitalizes on your expectations. This hopes to inspire your selfish inhibitions and takes away from your natural thought. You step on the many in order to be accepted in the circles of few. And the Sharks you swim with are carnivorous. You might have the innate ability to sense this, and does that knowledge change the end result. Will those you shed blood with patch your wounds when your time arrives?

The concept of state and public ownership, this is a delicate proposition to consider. That trust of the many is placed on the few. In considering this alternative there is no discernible difference. Trust in humanity is the foremost concept, but it has been proven incorrect in all past instances. Where does this discussion lead? All forms of government are essentially the same. Either elected or not, the responsibility is placed on shoulders of those which time has proven are not worthy. Is it the natural inclination of those in power to deviate from that which is right? That greed and self serving purpose has crushed the intentions of those who have the naïve illusion of public service. We have negotiated the meaning of humanity, and to what end?

The years of civilization experienced through mankind has led to this dismal state of being. All other facets of life have benefited through this supposed progress. We correspond amongst ourselves faster than ever before. The medical field has given us miracle cures, for the most common ailments as well as the absurd needs to address male sexuality. We travel in ways unimaginable to our ancestors. The advancement of technology has undeniably improved the way we experience life. In the process of gaining these marvelous advancements, have we lost touch with that which is inherent in humanity? We have arrived at a point in life where society is in conflict with the self, nature, family and society.

We have been delivered to a point of discord. Between ourselves and those who we believe are separate. The ideologies instilled by society, that of god, service and country have provided the disillusioned division among race, wealth and culture. Are we not of the same biological consistency? Do we not experience suffering and joy in the same manner? The re-examination of self is the only mode of action to be taken in order to arrive at the point of true resolution of conflict. We must revisit the idea that division of men through nationality and social status is glorified tribalism. Investigative experimentation is essential to spiritual experience.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Soul's Recognition

Life passes us by without giving us the oppurtuinity to experience its beauty. Empty your soul in order to replenish it. Without understanding, comprehend. Don't allow past experiences to affect your perception. Learn and move on...
Thanks to Nikita, I never thought anyone's voice could come close to Lata Mangeshkar.

Why Not?

Why not Peace? Why not Love? You tell me. When you get to the point when your bones are tired, does that excuse you from any further effort? No submission. Life is worth much more and ideals are worth their weight in gold. Don't you agree? Are you in the wrong place, misguided by what you think is the formula for sucess? Give me a few dollars and an ocean view. Thats happiness, one I can envision. Outside of my 401k and stock options. Forget the condo fee's and viking kitchen. Give me a hut and fish without mercury.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Individual Mind

Society places an unnecesary burden of conformity on the individual. This will undoubtedly make it difficult to hold on to original thought. But cherish that which is yours, formed through personal experience. Those very precious gems which form a code of conduct above any written law is the basis of humanity. We are born with an innate ability to distinguish that which is essentially good. We experience wrong and are disillusioned by the sheer magnitude of selfishness that is prevelant in todays world. To recognize that uninspired behavior and not react appropriately lays the responsibilty at our feet. We can relflect on all that is evil, and can maintain that we are not the cause. But with the view of all things being interconnected there is no way to persuade ourselves that we are innocent of these charges. One is all that is needed for change.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What is life

What is life, life is dream... Confucius dreamt that he was a butterfly, dreaming he was a man. When he awoke he thought Am I now a man thinking I dreamt of a butterfly or Am I a butterfly now dreaming I=m a man. Let=s now talk of modern thinking. Money is the key to life; however you approach it. What purpose does it serve? Does it provide the continuation of a decrepit lifestyle or does it promote a seasonal change of enlightenment. A soul bonded by material wealth is subject to certain reflection; while that same which is born of light is disillusioned. What is it now that attracts? Is it all that has been dreamt? Or is it what you have felt? Life has never left you. Nor the ideals that you held in childhood.

Proper Dispensation

Who are you? Illegal shitstem dubbing us illegal aliens, the worlds children have a right to live. Who are you? Nature that you robbed, provided me with life now you restrict me from that which is mine, birth right is the only deed I have. I don’t subscribe to your thinking or way of living. Where is my place when I don’t believe in violence nor do I subject myself to your way of thinking? Caught between Gandhi and Malcolm, I have no recourse. Give me a reason to be civilized when you don’t conduct yourself in the same way. Does my arrogance offend you? Or does my humility disarm you? The decision is not yours. My strength, perceived as weakness amongst your degreed thinking gives me the ultimate right. While wisdom is mine you claim knowledge. Unable to comprehend the next stage of consciousness.


Art is madness. Madness is art. Whose perception relates to understanding. Any relevance, there is no way to grade that which is genius. No brush stroke or choice of color, intelligence on canvas is debated by critics. But never those who suffer, whose voice is sacrificed, in as futile a pursuit such as art. At times, we need to surrender. To expressing that true self outside of correct grammar and proper prose. And give in to that surreal beauty… that of a woman.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


The accepted and civilized form of governance, which influence the daily lives of all society is no longer relevant. The illusion of progress and the true intention of policy has been exposed. No longer will we be led blindly, the method of fear and false patriotism has led to the surrender of our very right to question the motive of action. Let us not fall victim to propaganda, perpetuated by greed. The principles upon which great nations are built must be upheld in times when it is easy to deviate from those same principles. The face values of righteous statements betray underlying factors of misappropriations.
Examine the gross inequality of distribution. Reflect on your governments’ concept of improving the impoverished conditions of the less fortunate. The G8 Summit, that all important gathering of supposed wise men with limited vision.
Take into account the absurd waste of human life and funds in Iraq. Can the selfish agenda of those few, cause the destruction of many? It has. What personal responsibilities have you taken in this negligent act. You have sat by the wayside and ignored the plight of the unfortunate. Allowed those who represent you to take your voice and misuse it. Let us all be ashamed at the conduct of those in power. How many false campaign promises do we endure before we are provoked to act. Does the importance of partisan politics outweigh the end result of disenfranchisement? Does the appearance of one common goal, no matter how misguided, equal the suffering of millions? It has, and the people have forgotten that right to hold their politicians responsible is theirs alone and not the pundits with their questionable motives.


The act of charity inspires reverence. In any form, whether by a monetary contribution or with time and effort. We rarely reflect on the comforts and privilege of our own lives, while largely ignoring the inequities of life faced by the majority of the worlds population. Take into account the level of poverty that affects those less fortunate than us, where the basic needs to sustain life is not found. The smallest of sacrifice on our part can greatly change the course of life across the globe. How long can we leave the care of humanity in the hands of those with no concept of self sacrifice? Where personal power and wealth influence policies. We do not need facts and statistics to prove that the natural order of life is in disarray. Accept your personal call to action

Monday, August 25, 2008

The greatest story told

In this age of logical and rational thought, it is hard to believe that we still hold the outdated explanations of God from past civilizations as relevant. Any theory of religion which ulltimately divides, rather than unite should be discarded. Tradition and culture are important to create a semblance of life, and should not draw away from excluding men from a united thought of humanity. What answer does religion in any form provide? A way to conduct your life, to be prosperous in soul and heart. It seems the interpretation of those learned scholars charged with giving the lay people an explanation of scripture has fell tragically short. Let Us examine and question the motive. Think, in context and with clear thought of the ultimate objevtive of religion. Then we can set aside that which seperates us and arrive at a profound realization of Spirituality in self.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fractions of Truth

When analyzed it is the most common denominator. The bottom line. The point where decisions must be made. In cases of betrayal, regarding love or friendship a realization of truth becomes dominant in consciousness. There is no necessity of evidence as in a court of law. Judgement is first pronounced in your subconscious mind then debated by the conscious. Is it truly necessary to judge each others actions toward ourselves? With this in mind, a clear path materializes. Questions which have long lingered will solve themselves in decisive answers. An initiative must be taken to follow through. Whether through action or non- action.

In correcting ones mistakes, mainly in mending relationships, it is most important to act from a stance of humility. That is the only way sincerity can be expressed. There will be times that the most sincere of apologies will be met with cynicism. The values we hold dear are tested. There must be a breaking point. Otherwise, all energy focused will eventually dissipate. In turn, that coveted thought and energy must be redirected toward someone who is willing to receive and understand. How can you lecture to the deaf? It is impossible without an interpreter. And in reaching someone through that method there is a level of consciousness lost. No longer is it an intimate conversation between the two but a diluted conversation whose words and meanings represent those of the third party.

Take the responsibility of self therapy and do not confuse is with self medication.

Monday, August 18, 2008

One Truth

Admitting that we do not possess the knowledge to answer that question. Gives us the ability to comprehend the vast qualities of the answer. Through scientific research most theories have been proved true. Why then has the answer with paramount importance evaded us? Recognize that the answer cannot be proven by factual evidence. Any know formula cannot provide sufficient depth. Nor can any finding promote its reason. No the answer is inside us all, look within and undoubtedly acknowledge the presence of a supreme being.

RT + RA = RM = W

Right thought + Right action = Right mind = Wisdom

Minds Function

Riddled by ignorance, left with doubt. The mind is the obstacle and the instrument. Joining all things and completing the picture. But without understanding there is none. Take it all in and in the same instance let it out. Place no importance in yourself or others. See truly see, hear, taste and feel. Then leave it. All of it. Complete understanding comes from zero comprehension. There is nothing, no doctrines, no theory or science. No support only self doubt fear and procrastination. Ignorance is the true face of worldly views. Doused in alcohol, left in reasonless thought. Find yourself aside from distraction.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Compassion in todays world

Tenzin Gyatso; The Fourteenth Dalai Lama

Developing compassion

Some of my friends have told me that, while love and compassion are marvelous and good, they are not really very relevant. Our world, they say, is not a place where such beliefs have much influence or power. They claim that anger and hatred are so much a part of human nature that humanity will always be dominated by them. I do not agree.

We humans have existed in our present form for about a hundred-thousand years. I believe that if during this time the human mind had been primarily controlled by anger and hatred, our overall population would have decreased. But today, despite all our wars, we find that the human population is greater than ever. This clearly indicates to me that love and compassion predominate in the world. And this is why unpleasant events are �news�; compassionate activities are so much part of daily life that they are taken for granted and, therefore, largely ignored.

So far I have been discussing mainly the mental benefits of compassion, but it contributes to good physical health as well, According to my personal experience, mental stability and physical well-being are directly related. Without question, anger and agitation make us more susceptible to illness. On the other hand, if the mind is tranquil and occupied with positive thoughts, the body will not easily fall prey to disease.

But of course it is also true that we all have an innate self-centeredness that inhibits our love for others. So, since we desire the true happiness that is brought about by only a calm mind, and since such peace of mind is brought about by only a compassionate attitude, how can we develop this? Obviously, it is not enough for us simply to think about how nice compassion is! We need to make a concerted effort to develop it; we must use all the events of our daily life to transform our thoughts and behavior.

First of all, we must be clear about what we mean by compassion. Many forms of compassionate feeling are mixed with desire and attachment. For instance, the love parents feel of their child is often strongly associated with their own emotional needs, so it is not fully compassionate. Again, in marriage, the love between husband and wife - particularly at the beginning, when each partner still may not know the other�s deeper character very well - depends more on attachment than genuine love. Our desire can be so strong that the person to whom we are attached appears to be good, when in fact he or she is very negative. In addition, we have a tendency to exaggerate small positive qualities. Thus when one partner�s attitude changes, the other partner is often disappointed and his or her attitude changes too. This is an indication that love has been motivated more by personal need than by genuine care for the other individual.

True compassion is not just an emotional response but a firm commitment founded on reason. Therefore, a truly compassionate attitude towards others does not change even if they behave negatively.

Of course, developing this kind of compassion is not at all easy! As a start, let us consider the following facts:
Whether people are beautiful and friendly or unattractive and disruptive, ultimately they are human beings, just like oneself. Like oneself, they want happiness and do not want suffering. Furthermore, their right to overcome suffering and be happy is equal to one�s own. Now, when you recognize that all beings are equal in both their desire for happiness and their right to obtain it, you automatically feel empathy and closeness for them. Through accustoming your mind to this sense of universal altruism, you develop a feeling of responsibility for others: the wish to help them actively overcome their problems. Nor is this wish selective; it applies equally to all. As long as they are human beings experiencing pleasure and pain just as you do, there is no logical basis to discriminate between them or to alter your concern for them if they behave negatively.

Let me emphasize that it is within your power, given patience and time, to develop this kind of compassion. Of course, our self-centeredness, our distinctive attachment to the feeling of an independent, self-existent �I�, works fundamentally to inhibit our compassion. Indeed, true compassion can be experienced only when this type of self- grasping is eliminated. But this does not mean that we cannot start and make progress now.

Take this at face value and live as if you were created for a purpose greater than you can imagine.

Monday, March 24, 2008

The inconsistency of racial views in America

The issue of race and politics in America. You couldn’t have written a better script, and maybe someone has. Politics is a cruel mix of deception, perfect presentation and unattainable social values. Force the public to a point of rebellion with blatant disregard for the common sense of society. The very institution formed to uphold the status quo in public perception is destroying the concept in front of our very eyes. Allow the people to lose all faith in their "chosen and elected" leaders and push upon them an illusion of change and new dynamic perspectives. Is the position of one person or administration of any true significance when the structure it abides in is destructive to every logical thought which occurs in governance? There can be no change. Have we lost the ability to look outside our safe little corner of the world that we cherish and truly identify the impact of our non action in regards to the human experience?