Monday, March 24, 2008

The inconsistency of racial views in America

The issue of race and politics in America. You couldn’t have written a better script, and maybe someone has. Politics is a cruel mix of deception, perfect presentation and unattainable social values. Force the public to a point of rebellion with blatant disregard for the common sense of society. The very institution formed to uphold the status quo in public perception is destroying the concept in front of our very eyes. Allow the people to lose all faith in their "chosen and elected" leaders and push upon them an illusion of change and new dynamic perspectives. Is the position of one person or administration of any true significance when the structure it abides in is destructive to every logical thought which occurs in governance? There can be no change. Have we lost the ability to look outside our safe little corner of the world that we cherish and truly identify the impact of our non action in regards to the human experience?

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