Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Individual Mind

Society places an unnecesary burden of conformity on the individual. This will undoubtedly make it difficult to hold on to original thought. But cherish that which is yours, formed through personal experience. Those very precious gems which form a code of conduct above any written law is the basis of humanity. We are born with an innate ability to distinguish that which is essentially good. We experience wrong and are disillusioned by the sheer magnitude of selfishness that is prevelant in todays world. To recognize that uninspired behavior and not react appropriately lays the responsibilty at our feet. We can relflect on all that is evil, and can maintain that we are not the cause. But with the view of all things being interconnected there is no way to persuade ourselves that we are innocent of these charges. One is all that is needed for change.

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